Friday, May 11, 2012


Hey everyone!

So I'm super-duper amazing happy right now, my family got a little rotwieler last saterday and he's doing wonderfully xD His name is Diesel jr =) He was pretty sad the first couple days because he was away from his sibblings but he's adjusted pretty quickly to being at home with us =) I'm really happy we finally agreed on a name for him cause my sister and step dad were trying to name him dog in either Japanese or Blackfoot >.< I really wish I had some better pictures of him, he's so cute and tiny right now that he just blends into the shadows and carpet and ends up looking like a little blob of fur x3

This is like the only good picture I have!  >.< 

Also I found my camera! XD so I will be posting a kandi tutorial soon :3

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lost Camera and Wisdom Teeth:Both Suck a Lot =P

Hey everyone...

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I lost my camera like two weeks ago and it had a bunch of pictures for my blog, which made me not want to do any blogging >.< but I've gotten over that for now and should have at least 2 tutorials up within the next week or so =) I wanted to post them sooner but I got my wisdom teeth out last Thursday and I've been mostly out of it for the last few days, even just typing this is taking forever...  so yeahh just wanted to give an update and let you all know why its taking me so damn long to post something >.< 

random side note i think having a car like this: 

would be really awesome XD